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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Delivery of Blank Canvases

Well, I just stopped 'blogging' (lol it sounds so weird!) and got a large delivery of new canvases. It's always exciting to get a new load of fresh canvases! They come directly from Gotrick Inc. where I order cavanases every few months. The funny thing is that they always ship them in spice cardboard boxes.. they always smell so exotic when they first arrive :)

It was snowing so heavily outside I felt sorry for the delivery guy. He was very kind to bring them to the garage for me (since I don't have a loading dock and he isn't obligated to get them off the truck for me). I'll be placing all the canvases into the basement where I will paint when my baby is napping. His name is Thomas and I work around his nap times. He just had a shower and I couldn't resist snapping a photo of him :)

Anyways, back to the art blog, I will be updating this sometime soon.

Well I finally did it.. I started a blog!

Starting something is much easier then maintaining it.. let's just hope that I find the time and energy to let people into my painting world :)

Today I am actually quite swamped with work. Three different people have ordered paintings that I will be working on all this week. Often people see a painting on my website ( that has already sold, and want me to paint it again. This is what is happening this week. I really don't like to repaint something, but I kind of have to if people fall in love with something that has already sold :)

Well, something I really want to work on are some new elephant paintings. A silhouette sunset with african trees in the background.. I have finished the background and will be posting some photos when it looks more completed :D